Our Seat At The Table

As the student government for the Eli Broad College of Business, Broad Student Senate represents the students voice through our Policy Committees and a variety of college panels.

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Undergraduate Programs Committee

The Undergraduate Programs Committee (UPC) discusses changes and concerns with related to the Broad academic curriculum. Meetings are held bimonthly with Broad faculty department heads and assistant deans Ken Horne and Richard Spreng. Two student representatives from Senate sit on this committee.


College Advisory Council

The College Advisory Council (CAC) focuses on social and administrative changes in the Broad College. Past projects include developing the Broad College Values Statement and facilitating the Dean’s review. Meetings are held monthly with Broad faculty department heads. Two student representatives from Senate sit on this council.


University Hearing Board

The University Hearing Board (UHB) handles issues regarding academic dishonesty. Faculty and students take part in UHB when a student is charged with academic dishonesty about twice a month. Three student representatives from Senate sit on this board.


The College Capital Committee (the Committee or CCC) serves as a steward of funds received from the Broad College of Business (the Broad College) program fee and is formed by the Eli Broad College of Business Undergraduate Student Senate (the Broad Senate). The purpose and goal of CCC is to provide funding to Registered Student Organizations of the Broad College to support the Broad Community.

Questions? Contact Liam Lyons

College Capital Committee Directors | Broad Student Senate 

Email: collegecapitalcommittee@gmail.com



The Internal Audit Committee meets twice a month to discuss and analyze opportunities and risks within Broad Student Senate for the purpose of future growth. They use both quantitative and qualitative data to support their discussions and analyses which are then presented to Senate at the end of each semester. This committee works independently from other committees and the executive board, but may use both as a resource.